Saturday, February 11, 2012

Kopitiam: Peranakan Style Café

The Fried Cassava

The Chicken Briyani

When Parisienes are so proud of their vintage looking cafés in Champs-Élysées, the Malaysians offer the café sort of place called Kopitiam.

So what is Kopitiam? Kopitiam is actually from the word "Coffee" and "Time" (then maybe miss-pronounced and along the way invent the word), because in the tea/coffee break time people usually snack and chat with friends. The concept Kopitiam offers is a place for chit chat and snacking, so that is why the food offered is rather light. Menu range from toast to laksa (prawn noodle in curry).

Today I hang out with friends, and had a dinner (nowadays people go to Kopitiam at any time, breakfast to supper!) in Oey Kopitiam in Sabang, just near our office. We ordered Fried Cassava and Roa Sambal for the appetizer, Crab Noodle (Mie Kepiting), Fried Rice and Anchovy (Nasi Goreng Teri Medan), and Chicken Briyani (pour moi!). We were pleased with the food (although I had tasted better Briyani before) and the price. What I really like the most is the quick service and the Teh Tarik (Tea with condensed milk made in special way to add the foam on top).

Happy weekend!!!

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